Positive changes – Shelley’s story

27 Aug 2024

Shelley joined the Smokefree Norfolk service for further support with stopping smoking. Whilst caring for her mum, she found that going out to the garden for a cigarette gave her a sense of relaxation.

Shelley shared: “At the time, I was smoking about ten cigarettes a day, and I was using them as a bit of an emotional crutch, or so I thought! As I was caring for my mum who has dementia, I started by having a little cheeky cigarette in the day.”

We offer nine 30-minute sessions with a Stop Smoking Coach, delivered over 12 weeks to provide support at every step of the way. Participants can choose whether they would like their sessions in person, by video call or by telephone call.

Unfortunately, Shelley was diagnosed with breast cancer, and was advised to stop smoking as soon as possible prior to surgery. This was a key motivation for Shelley to kick the habit for good.

“We looked at my triggers, and mindset, and why I wanted to give up and all the reasons behind why I smoked. But this time, having the support of somebody that I could talk to about challenges and look at different ways that I could change and do things differently really helped in me becoming successful.” Said Shelley

“I'm really pleased with how my breathing is now it has regenerated and repaired itself, and I think if I hadn't used Smokefree Norfolk, I probably would have struggled to quit alone.